Choosing Between Boxes and Totes

storage containers

Food storage containers are common in daily use all over the world and have been around since the early days of human civilization. They can be seen in almost every civilization from the earliest archeological finds to the most modernized cities. Their popularity increased even further during World War II, when military operations brought home to Americans the idea of organized storage of food. Storage containers come in a wide variety of materials including glass, steel, plastic, cardboard, and wood. The containers range in size, shapes, colors, designs, and functions from a few square yards to huge multi-story buildings.

Conventional food storage containers can be divided into two general categories. They can be classified according to the material they are made of: plastic and metal. These storage containers can be used either for fresh or dry storage. Plastic is more versatile and cheaper; however, it cannot retain or contain the moisture and chemicals that are present in the foods being stored. Metal, on the other hand, has a better lifespan and does not deteriorate with the food’s original condition.

Aside from these two basic classifications, storage containers can also be classified according to their usage. Common storage containers include cardboard boxes, paper bags, and shipping containers. These storage needs can vary according to different climates, storage needs, and storage preferences of individuals.

There are also customized storage containers for specific purposes such as wine, fish, and other perishable items. When shopping for a storage container, consider buying one according to your personal or business storage needs. For example, you can rent a shipping container to store your bulky items at home or you can choose from a variety of custom features while renting the container, such as locking mechanisms, frosted windows, interior locking systems, or air-tight doors. You can also rent a plastic or metal storage container if you plan to use it as a picnic cart, outdoor furniture, or display rack.

If you want a more functional storage solution, you can rent totes rather than buying boxes. Totes are portable storage containers that can fit into tight spaces. They are made of water resistant fabric, so you can use them as long as there is no fluctuation in temperature and they are easy to clean. They are available in different sizes, making it easy to find the best storage solutions for your totes.

Another great storage containers for totes is the stackable totes. This type of container has lids that can be removed and reused to add new items on top of what was already stored inside. The best part about stackable totes is that they come in various sizes and shapes. You can even stack them up to six to eight feet high.